We connect advertisers to millions of people across the globe every month.
Automated Performance Marketing
Automated Performance Marketing
Performance Marketing
We’ve been buying media online well before Facebook was in everyone’s pocket 📱. In the past 15 years, we’ve invested over $90 million of our own money to generate real, measurable results for our partners—all on a performance basis. That means if you win, we win. It's that simple.
Groovy Automated Performance Marketing is our recently released platform for automating the media buying experience. We plug in competitive intelligence, in addition to our own data, and engage in traffic generation at a large scale.
We have years of experience with most major advertising platforms. Google, Meta, and Native is our bread and butter.
In our game, you need to be on the forefront of tech, or you’ll be left behind. We’ve invested heavily into AI, on both the data & creative front, which continues to pay dividends for ourselves and our partners.